

AI-driven startup focused on mobile and app security.

Malloc aims to help people companies and organisations protect their apps, their devices and their data. The Malloc app available in AppStore and PlayStore helps you stay safe and private online by blocking spyware and online threats. Malloc App Security is an SDK library that other app owners can use to protect their app from hacking attempts.
Team Size:7
Location:Nicosia, Cyprus
Active Founders

Maria Terzi, Founder

Maria Terzi is the co-founder and CEO of Malloc. Maria holds a Ph.D. in Machine Learning and Recommender Systems. During her Ph.D., she won two Google hackathons and has previously worked at Google. Maria holds extensive experience in R&D in the areas of data analysis, machine learning, secure and private AI.
Maria Terzi
Maria Terzi

Liza Charalambous, Founder

Liza Charalambous is a Digital Security expert with 8+ years of experience in the ideation and implementation of (cyber) security projects. Liza holds a PhD in machine learning, as well as academic titles in signal processing and AI and digital communications. Over the years, she collaborated with various privately owned and public organizations to provide solutions that improve users’ quality of life.
Liza Charalambous
Liza Charalambous

Company Photo

Company photo
Selected answers from Malloc's original YC application for the S21 Batch

Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less.

A privacy and data security startup

How long have each of you been working on this? How much of that has been full-time? Please explain.

All from the beginning. Maria has been working full-time since November. Artemis and Liza work part-time.

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do.

Our first product is a mobile phone app that uses device-AI to detect and prevent unattended data recordings and transmissions. The application will protect you from any application that records or transmits your data without you knowing, such as when an application records you through the microphone of your device, even when you are not using the application.

Our application works in the background and upon identifying some unattended data recording or transmission, it notifies you and provides you with all the information regarding the incident, such as information about which application recorded or transmitted data, what type of data, and whether the information has been transmitted over the internet. Moreover, it protects your data using the most suitable option, such as by switching off the camera or microphone, stopping the recording or the transmission of data.

Detecting when a data recording or transmission was normal or not, is the most challenging part of our product and where our advantage lies. We can make this possible using AI (on-device AI) and by training a machine learning model to detect abnormal activities among thousands of incidents. These incidents are currently collected through “Antistalker”, our MVP app which also includes some of the features of our final product - it notifies you when any application is using the microphone or camera of your device. The finished Malloc mobile app will include the AI model and no data will leave the device.

UI designs and plan of the final product https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BpU423zjSvk2d2nGWO2AgrcSA8V8Yc8X/view?usp=sharing

YC S21 Demo Day Video