
The AI engine for world-class business research

Jobs at Meticulate

No jobs at Meticulate are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Meticulate

Meticulate is an AI engine that automates business research & analysis. We build extensive LLM pipelines that automate a huge chunk of the work that millions of investors, consultants, and business decision-makers do day-to-day. We’re a seed-stage startup coming out of Y Combinator backed by leading AI investors including Link Ventures, Cervin Ventures, and Leonis Capital.

Hundreds of professionals from firms like Bank of America, EY, BCG, and Khosla Ventures are repeatedly coming to Meticulate to offload work that would otherwise take hours. We’ve started to monetize recently, have a huge backlog of user requests, and we need help to get it all done!

Team Size:2
Wilbur Li
Wilbur Li
Joseph Palakapilly
Joseph Palakapilly