
Multiverse is a web-based game creation system inspired by Dungeons &…

Jobs at Multiverse

No jobs at Multiverse are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Multiverse


Multiverse is a web-based game creation system, inspired by Roblox & Dungeons & Dragons. Every part of Multiverse can be created by our users, from skins, environments, characters, etc. and bought and sold on our marketplace, like in SecondLife.

You can see what it looks like here. Also check our our Twitter and website

Origin Story

We have an amazing product that started because the 3 founders wanted to play D&D and hated it. So we quickly built a web prototype that we played with our friends for over 5 hours. That started our mission to make this real and along the way we've found 3 other full-time employees, and a whole group of investors (some of whom you'll recognize) who are incredibly pumped to be on board. Our demo is super and we can't wait to play with you.

Where we are

We're pre-launch but doing alpha testing with a highly engaged user base. We have very active Twitter and Discord bases and have our pre-sale cosmetics has totaled over 20k. We're alpha testing with our Discord users and early feedback has been good.

You can see some samplings of user reactions to Multiverse here.

The Team

Despite all that, our team is the number one reason we love working at Multiverse. We're a fully remote team that communicates mostly over Discord. Everyone at Multiverse cares deeply about what we're making and each other and it shows a lot.

  • Thariq - CEO/Product Engineer. Thariq wrote the first prototype and broadly manage the frontend architecture and backend. Lots of experience in startups and games, recently sold to TSM.

  • Sara - CCO (Chief Creative Officer) & an award winning artist, Sara has literally designed a Marvel superhero. Sara is the one creating the world, stories and characters that drives the first verse in Multiverse.

  • Hisham - CTO & a world class graphics engineer with expertise in VR and AR. Hisham graduated from the MIT Media Lab, used to work at MagicLeap and created the webGL-based engine that powers everything in Multiverse.

Other people you'll work with include:

  • Jynnie - An amazing engineer & designer from MIT, Jynnie can think like both an artist and engineer and makes an amazing bridge between the two.

  • Megan - Our lead pixel artist. Megan is responsible for all of our in-game art and will always be the one who pushes for us to go the last mile of polish.

Team Size:9