

Build your website as an immersive virtual world. 3D website builder.

Muse allows anyone to transform their static website into a virtual world. We do this through our no-code editor,. Our websites are quickly replacing traditional personal websites commonly built using Shopify, Squarespace, or Wix.
Team Size:2
Location:Sunnyvale, CA
Active Founders

Benjamin Ha, Founder/CEO

I started coding because my parents didn't let me play video games and I had to learn how to build them myself. I grew up being inspired by a lot of web based games that were popular on websites such as addictinggames.com and aromorgames.com. This is an era that has now passed. Now, I am working on Muse so we can reimagine websites as games to make the internet fun once again. YC Badge: 0x8B873805b19d60E16A53cD30992fEf01c007a746
Benjamin Ha
Benjamin Ha
Selected answers from Muse's original YC application for the S21 Batch

Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less.

Squarespace for 3D websites

How long have each of you been working on this? How much of that has been full-time? Please explain.

We have been working on Muse since September/late August. Back then, it was known as Spaces. Since December, both my cofounder and I have been working on this full time.

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do.

Muse is making the 3D web accessible to everyone by building a platform that allows anyone to create a 3D website in less than five minutes, imagine Squarespace for 3D websites.

YC S21 Application Video
YC S21 Demo Day Video