

Network monitoring from the end-user perspective

NetBeez is the Digital Experience Monitoring platform enabling IT teams to easily support remote users by quickly troubleshooting communication and network performance issues from the user’s perspective.
Team Size:12
Location:Pittsburgh, PA
Active Founders

Stefano Gridelli, Founder/CEO

Stefano Gridelli is Co-founder and CEO of NetBeez. He has several years of experience as a network engineer, working on design projects for large and complex network environments. He holds a M.S. degree in Computer Science from the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University.
Stefano Gridelli
Stefano Gridelli

Panickos Neophytou, Founder/CTO

Co-founder and CTO at NetBeez.
Panickos Neophytou
Panickos Neophytou

Panos Vouzis, Founder

Panos Vouzis
Panos Vouzis
Hear from the founders

How did your company get started? (i.e., How did the founders meet? How did you come up with the idea? How did you decide to be a founder?)

We started NetBeez in 2012 because we realized that troubleshooting computer networks was a manual process that lacked meaningful data. The existing network monitoring tools were only reporting performance data from network devices (e.g. routers, switches, etc.) but lacked insights into the digital experience of the end-users. We envisioned a tool that would monitor the network from the end-user perspective, helping IT support reduce time and resources when dealing with trouble tickets or network incidents.

What is the core problem you are solving? Why is this a big problem? What made you decide to work on it?

Cloud computing and work from anywhere adoption have significantly altered traditional network traffic patterns. Legacy approaches to performance monitoring don’t provide visibility into remote environments and Internet issues that affect users and cloud applications. NetBeez is the Digital Experience Monitoring platform that enables IT teams to quickly troubleshoot issues with Internet, SaaS applications, Wi-Fi networks, and more. The solution provides granular data to accurately isolate the time a problem occurs, retains historical data to identify the trend of recurring issues, and facilitates diagnosing problems from the user’s perspective.