

Classify Anything

Use Nyckel to train and integrate state of the art machine learning into your application. Our ML platform can be used by anyone and it only takes minutes to train your first model. Once trained, your functions is immediately deployed to production grade infrastructure.
Team Size:4
Active Founders

Oscar Beijbom, Founder

Oscar is the co-founder of Nyckel. He is a ML engineer and researcher with 9k citations and 20+ patents. He spent 5 years as a leader in the AV industry, been a researcher at UC Berkeley, and developed the AI behind the Hovding airbag bicycle helmet. He also developed CoralNet - the largest AI platform for coral reef image analysis. Oscar has a M.S. in Eng. Physics from Lund, and a PhD in Computer Science from UCSD.
Oscar Beijbom
Oscar Beijbom

George Mathew, Founder

George is the co-founder of Nyckel. Before Nyckel, George spent 5 years at Oracle Cloud, where he led teams building Functions-as-a-Service and Application Performance Management services. He started his career at Microsoft, after which he was an early engineer at CareEvolution, where he led the development of one of the largest health information exchanges in the US. George is passionate about distributed systems, data systems, and building high-performing engineering organizations.
George Mathew
George Mathew

Dan Ott, Founder

Dan Ott is the cofounder and CEO of Nyckel, the platform that is democratizing machine learning. Since writing his first apps for Intel's 286 in the early '80s, Dan has always had a love for building great products; and through his career has gained a passion for building great organizations.
Dan Ott
Dan Ott