HomeCompaniesPantore Pay

Pantore Pay

Working capital for Brazilian restaurants

Pantore Pay is the solution for restaurants cash flow issues and allows restaurants to shop for supplies and pay any other bills using Pantore's credit line.
Pantore Pay
Team Size:25
Location:São Paulo, Brazil
Active Founders

Yonathan Faber, Founder

Passionate about creating new products, solving problems through technology, and helping other companies succeed with new disruptive solutions. Developed three successful consumer products in Brazil that were used by millions of customers. Currently living in São Paulo with my wife, son, and dog. Hit me up if you need help!
Yonathan Faber
Yonathan Faber
Pantore Pay

Renan Pupin, Founder

Computer Scientist & Entrepreneur
Renan Pupin
Renan Pupin
Pantore Pay