Perl Street

Financing the next-generation of infrastructure projects

Jobs at Perl Street

No jobs at Perl Street are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Perl Street

Perl Street is democratizing structured finance through our platform, unlocking billions in financing for sustainable infrastructure and next-generation hardware technologies.

Climate change is a massive hardware problem. According to IEA estimates - reaching net zero emissions would require over $4 trillion per year in global clean energy investment.

This means we need to upgrade nearly everything with new hardware - from energy storage devices to electric vehicles, charging stations and building electrification.

The future of infrastructure is both distributed and resilient. And none of it is possible without financing new hardware.

If you'd like to learn about climate change, venture capital, hardware tech, or fintech - you need to talk to us!

Perl Street
Team Size:4
Location:Austin, TX
Tooraj Arvajeh
Tooraj Arvajeh