

AI generated podcasts tailored to your interests

PocketPod creates AI generated podcasts tailored to your interests. Whether it's a daily news update or a deep dive on a specific topic, we allow people to consume information in a familiar podcast format. We will be the single place people go to consume audio entertainment, while removing nearly 100% of the cost associated with producing high quality content.
Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Michael Seibel
Active Founders

Ross Cefalu, Founder

Co-Founder @ PocketPod

Davis Palmie, Founder

Co-Founder of PocketPod
Davis Palmie
Davis Palmie
Company Launches
🎙️ PocketPod - AI-generated podcasts tailored to your interests
See original launch post ›


PocketPod creates AI-generated podcasts tailored to your interests. Whether it's a daily news update or a deep dive into a specific topic, we allow people to consume information in a familiar podcast format. To start, we are creating fully personalized news podcasts delivered right to your Spotify every day.


Sign up here to get your very own daily news podcast tailored to your interests!

😣 What’s the problem?

There is a ton of information widely available, in diverse formats, that was previously not feasible to have delivered via podcast-style audio

Human creators face inherent limitations in the volume of information they can turn into high-quality content

🎙️ The Solution - PocketPod

- Advances in LLMs and data processing allow us to comb through incredible amounts of information, aggregate, and process what’s important to you, and transform it into engaging new podcast formats.

- Combined with advancements in text-to-speech models and it’s now possible to give everyone podcasts made just for them, on the information they care about.

- Seamless integration with existing platforms, like Spotify, ensures quick, easily accessible, and personalized distribution

Meet the Team

Davis Palmie and Ross Cefalu met freshman year at Georgia Tech. Ross was one of the first ten engineering hires at Flock Safety (YC17), and then worked at Microsoft, rebuilding the app launching experience used by 150M DAUs. Davis worked on Visa’s Next Generation Services team and also built the pioneering innovation lab tech team for a billion-dollar consulting firm.

Our Ask: Try us out!

Sign up here to get your very own daily news podcast tailored to your interests!