Quadrant Eye

Breaking new ground in online eyecare.

Jobs at Quadrant Eye

No jobs at Quadrant Eye are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Quadrant Eye

Quadrant Eye is on a mission to improve eyecare access and fight preventable blindness. We're building the next generation eye exam... inside the average American home.

V1 of our eye exam allows patients to renew their glasses and contact lens prescriptions online. V_final will be an end-to-end exam that can remotely detect eye abnormalities.

Our team wants to enable patients' best and most visually rich lives. To this end, we're looking for curious and nimble minds to help us develop the world's first at-home eye exam and ultimately deliver high-quality eyecare at scale.

Quadrant Eye
Team Size:4
Location:San Francisco
Quinn Wang MD
Quinn Wang MD