

Shotput (S15) develops AI and robotics to completely automate…

Carefully engineered software to get products to your customers across the world faster and on time. We're trusted to simplify e-commerce and logistics by building the necessary tools for companies to improve their operations. These include determining key shipping routes, understanding customer demand, or reducing shipping and material costs. We built Shotput so that people can use new technologies to manage work across companies which will allow them to precisely calculate costs & time. We'll enter a world where people no longer have to work on boring tasks of calling each other to find statuses or putting things into a box all day. Instead we can be free to think strategically about what we're building, who's the customer, and how to best serve their needs.
Team Size:2
Location:Oakland, CA

Former Founders

Praful Mathur

Working on app to decode dog barks so we can finally talk to dogs.
Praful Mathur
Praful Mathur

James Steinberg

Darefail.com Building AI & Robots in Public
James Steinberg
James Steinberg

Selected answers from Shotput's original YC application for the S15 Batch

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do.

API for warehouse services. We are the only way to buy warehouse services instantly.

Product companies currently use the GUI version of our API to book warehousing services. They send our API their product dimensions & weight and sales data and we return the total cost (including transportation and shipping).

Our ultimate goal is to be a physical equivalent of a CDN. We are working to remove friction from distribution.

YC S15 Application Video

YC S15 Demo Day Video