

Value-based retinal screening in primary care to prevent blindness.

Vision Disease cause innumerable cases of preventable blindness globally - 415 million diabetic patients worldwide are susceptible to Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), Glaucoma, and more. Current screening protocols for vision disease require ophthalmologists to manually diagnose patients through visual assessment of the fundus. Given the large number of diabetes patients in various communities, this process is expensive, inefficient, and an undue burden on eye clinics.
Team Size:7
Location:Palo Alto
Active Founders

Ankur Gupta, Founder/CEO

After undergrad and a Master's at Stanford University, where I completed the Biodesign program, I started my career in healthcare venture capital. Afterward, I went to medical school at UT Southwestern in Texas and did my residency training in Ophthalmology at the National Eye Institute (NIH), University of Chicago, Geisinger, and Stanford Medicine. I’ve mentored several and started three companies, including Spect.
Ankur Gupta
Ankur Gupta