HomeCompaniesStandard Treasury

Standard Treasury

Banking APIs; acquired by Silicon Valley Bank in August 2015

Standard Treasury helped banks harness the power of developers and developer ecosystems by building, hosting, maintaining, and supporting white-labeled and co-branded developer platforms for banks worldwide. Standard Treasury partner banks saw material top-line growth through the decreased cost of servicing their customers, decreased churn, and increased transaction volumes, while delivering tremendous value to their customers by allowing them to radically automate their treasury management and accounting processes.
Standard Treasury
Location:San Francisco
Former Founders

Brent Goldman

S13 founder of Standard Treasury, one of the first banking API platforms. Pre-IPO at Facebook and Uber. More recently focused on AI, angel investing, coaching.
Brent Goldman
Brent Goldman
Standard Treasury

Zac Townsend

Zac Townsend is the CEO of a new seed-stage startup. Previously, he was a leader in McKinsey’s banking practice. He was the inaugural Chief Data Officer of California and built the banking startup Standard Treasury (YC S13), which he ultimately sold to Silicon Valley Bank. He is a published statistician and his writing has appeared in the American Banker, Financial Times, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner, San Jose Mercury News, Slate, and TechCrunch.

Daniel Kimerling

Daniel Kimerling
Daniel Kimerling
Standard Treasury