

Find and move money after a death

Sunset can track down bank accounts, retirement accounts, investment accounts, property and more for families after losing a loved one. Sunset will close those accounts and move the money into a Sunset estate account to manage.
Team Size:2
Group Partner:Dalton Caldwell
Active Founders

Stephen Walter, Founder

Stephen Walter
Stephen Walter

Kaela Worthen, Founder

Cofounder of Sunset, finding and moving funds after you lose a loved one. Previously cofounded Paintbrush, Imzy, worked at Podium, Reddit. Mostly a product person with some engineering, UX, data science, and a bit everything else mixed in.
Kaela Worthen
Kaela Worthen
Company Launches
Sunset - Find and Secure Money After a Death
See original launch post ›

Finding and closing the accounts of a loved one can take months—often years—and hundreds of hours of work. Most people have to do that while grieving, but now Sunset does it for you.


We launched a beta version a few months ago and are now releasing our web app and a huge new feature set of account discovery, including:

-Bank Accounts: Checking, savings, CDs, etc.

-Retirement Accounts: 401k, IRA, annuity, etc.

-Debts: Mortgage, personal loans, credit cards, etc.

-Real Estate & Vehicles: Personal and investment

-Investment Accounts: Mutual funds, index funds, stocks, bonds, etc.

-And More: Life insurance, unclaimed property, business ownership, HSA accounts, etc.

How does it work?

We search public and private databases, including financial reporting from banks, investment funds, the IRS, and more. Once we’ve confirmed a match with the deceased, we automate the closure and move the funds into a retirement account for our customers.

How do we charge?

Sunset is free to use for our customers. We earn interest on the deposits while they sit with us, so we make some money in the process. We felt this model aligned our incentives with the customer: be fast and get all of it.

Personal Experience

After my father-in-law passed away, the family asked me to take over the financial closure process. So, I’ve personally been through this the hard way. If I can help anyone, my inbox is open: support@sunsetapp.com.

Get Started

If you’ve lost a loved one, or know someone who could use our services, you can visit our site at https://www.sunsetapp.com/.