

We custom design and produce women's formal dresses, starting with…

COUTURME is a personal fashion designer for formal dresses, starting with wedding gowns. This can be done quickly without expereinced designers and pattern makers, by utilizing patent-pending CAD software. Customers can purchase bespoke special occasion dresses and wedding gowns that are personally designed for them, with formal dresses starting at $199 and wedding gowns starting at $699. The COUTURME experience begins with a personal consultation with a stylist. Afterwards, the stylist will generate 3 unique designs based on the submitted information. The customer responds with feedback, and the stylist recreates the design to reflect comments of the customer. While an overwhelming number of ready-to-wear fashion exists online, 80% of American women cannot fit into these standard-sized garments and the result is 50% of returns are made from online purchases. By providing custom designs in the precise measurements of the consumer, COUTURME solves this problem and provides them with the garment of their dreams perfectly fitted to their body.

Team Size:18
Location:San Mateo, CA

Active Founders

Yuliya Raquel, CEO

I am the Co-Founder and CEO at Tailornova/COUTURME, fashion automation tech that enables custom apparel design at scale. I spent twenty years in the fashion industry and founded a DTC brand, generating $43M in sales. My mission is for the fashion industry to become sustainable. We automate design w/3D, machine learning, and XR. I am 4-time award-winning designer. I dressed celebrities such as the Oscar winner, Gabourey Sidibe, Ashley Fink, Jill Scott, Kacee Stroh, Frenchi Davis and others.

Don Straub