

Meeting intelligence for financial advisors.

Online meetings are one of the main deliverables for financial advisors, but keeping track of insights, notes, and tasks during these meetings is challenging for advisors as they have to remain engaged in the call while writing down details. Thyme solves this using transcription, summarization, document parsing, and seamless synchronization with the rest of the advisor stack, including Wealthbox and Redtail. Our users save hours each week and have much better notes that raise the quality of their client relationships.

Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Dalton Caldwell

Active Founders

Daniel Lantz

I am originally from Texas and currently reside in Richmond, VA. Prior to co-founding Thyme, I worked as a software engineer at Capital One, trovata.io, and meetcampfire.com (YC S23). In my free time, I enjoy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, chess, and spending time with my wife and son.

Daniel Lantz
Daniel Lantz

Fernando San Martin

Electrical engineer from Spain. I moved to SF to start my career. For the most part, I've worked at the intersection of finance, software, and data at places like Capital One, Zippi (YC s19), and Trovata.

Fernando San Martin
Fernando San Martin

Company Launches

tl;dr: Thyme enables financial advisors to run 10x better meetings. We cover meeting prep, transcription, summarization, CRM syncing, and document parsing. Please introduce us to any financial advisor in your network!

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 About us

We are Fernando San Martin (left), and Daniel Lantz (right). We've worked together at Capital One, trovata.io, Campfire (YC S23) and are now Thyme co-founders. Our mission is to build better software tools for financial advisors.

❗ The Problem

Financial advisors spend hours every day preparing, running, and following up on client meetings. Their attention is split between engaging with the client and taking meaningful notes, and often, these notes are incomplete or non-existent.

After finishing the meeting, the advisor has to expand on the few scattered words that they jotted down to create follow-up tasks and update their CRM with the new client insights.

Our Solution

Thyme solves all of the above. Using our app, the advisor can see their upcoming meetings, for which they can prepare by viewing a holistic profile about the client and even asking natural language questions.

Once in the meeting, our app uses state-of-the-art AI technology to transcribe, summarize, generate action items, and draft follow-up emails.

Finally, our powerful integrations with the rest of the advisors’ tech stack also allow us to initiate workflows and send tasks and notes to other systems. Any financial documents submitted by the client are parsed and integrated into their profile.

Our users describe the solution as a game-changer that saves them hours each week while creating much richer and more accurate notes and tasks that sync seamlessly with their stack.

🙏 Request

  • If you like what we are building, upvote, comment, and follow us on Linkedin.
  • If you know of any financial advisors in your network, ask them if they would be interested in chatting. Here is a potential blurb you can use to introduce us: "Thyme is changing how financial advisors run online meetings. Would you like to hear more directly from the team?"
  • Like and re-share our upcoming public launch with your network later this week.
  • Reach out to us at founders@meetthyme.com if you have ideas or suggestions or would like to simply meet.

YC Sign Photo

YC Sign Photo

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Company Photo