Both Adam and I both have strong conviction that legal services ought to be more accessible. We believe the current system is broken on both sides of the marketplace. Lawyers are bogged down by a variety of tasks which can and should be automated while their clients are encumbered with large legal costs arising from said tasks. We strongly view legal access as the core recipe for a functional and equitable society and believe that technology has a large role to play in getting us there. We interviewed hundreds of lawyers and found that there are many salient pain points being experienced by in-house legal teams which we’re well-equipped to solve given our in-depth backgrounds in software engineering and AI research.
When Tower truly succeeds, all lawyers will be able to focus on tasks which they attended law school for, such as advising their clients and applying their nuance to strategic matters. They will no longer have to waste their day performing low-value-add tasks such as searching through precedents or handling admin work. Clients, from the largest corporations down to the individual, will have access to quality legal services at affordable costs as legal professionals are freed from the tyranny of mundane work.