
Open-source framework for building serverless applications

Jobs at Webiny

No jobs at Webiny are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Webiny

Webiny is a company with a mission to empower developers to create applications and websites on top of the serverless infrastructure. We are an open-source business and our users are developers like us. Our main belief is that serverless is the future of development and if you think the same, please read on.

We are a VC-backed company in a very hot space. The serverless market is about to grow 5x in the next 5 years. More and more companies are turning to serverless to shorten their development lifecycles, remove scaling problems, and reduce their infrastructure cost.

Webiny wants to help them by providing processes, tools, and ready-made apps. Our goal is to drive the adoption of serverless.

Team Size:6
Location:London, United Kingdom
Sven Al Hamad
Sven Al Hamad
Pavel Denisjuk
Pavel Denisjuk