
Xobni makes your inbox and address book smarter. Xobni, and its Smartr product suite, discover all the people you've ever emailed, called or SMS'd, and instantly access a full view of each contact, complete with their photo, job title, company details, email history as well as updates from LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. You can download Smartr for Gmail, Android or iPhone; and Xobni for Outlook and BlackBerry - or connect them all with Xobni Pro.
Team Size:11
Location:San Francisco
Active Founders

Matt Brezina, Founder

Twice-exited founder of Xobni (acq Yahoo) and Sincerely (acq FTD). I've also now invested in over 80 startups including YC successes: Dropbox, Function of Beauty, Snapdocs, Scratchpad, AlphaFlow, Teleport, and more. I've been deeply involved or led 15+ M&A transactions. I've helped many founders sell secondary shares. I'm also deeply passionate about the built human habitat. Specifically the infrastructure to prioritize safe biking & walking over dangerous and polluting automobiles.
Matt Brezina
Matt Brezina