
Medical device that provides a more effective, less invasive…

Jobs at Zenflow

No jobs at Zenflow are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Zenflow

Zenflow is developing a medical device to treat a condition that impacts the lives of almost half of the world's population. BPH (enlarged prostate) leads to frequent and urgent urination that severely disrupting sleep and daily life for most older men. Before starting this company, we saw firsthand in the urology clinic that men were very bothered by their symptoms but dissatisfied with the existing treatment options. To meet the clinical need, we developed a safer, less invasive, less painful, and more effective therapy called the Spring System. Now in a simple and atraumatic office procedure, patients can see quick and long-lasting symptom relief. We're currently in clinical trials in five countries on three continents and will be starting a randomized US-focused trial soon.

Team Size:18
Location:South San Francisco, CA
Shreya Mehta
Shreya Mehta