

High accuracy search API over unstructured data.

We are building the most accurate search engine over complex and unstructured documents behind a simple API.
Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Harj Taggar

Active Founders

Ghita Houir Alami, Founder

moroccan female founder with 2 masters in applied maths from École Polytechnique and UC Berkeley building ZeroEntropy
Ghita Houir Alami
Ghita Houir Alami

Nicholas Pipitone, Founder

Cofounder & CTO of ZeroEηtropy (YC W25) - https://www.zeroentropy.dev/ My background is in theoretical mathematics and computer science. https://xkcd.com/356/ Dropped out of CMU to pursue startups. Worked on low-level C/C++/Assembly/GPU Code. CTO and/or main dev for 5 different startups. Created stat-arb algorithms and audited blockchains for bug bounties and hedge fund due diligence. Built the AI @ https://www.myko.ai/ , https://www.manifestapp.xyz/ , https://www.magibook.co/
Nicholas Pipitone
Nicholas Pipitone