
Cartage: Autonomous freight operations 🚚

We automate repetitive tasks in trucking - think Zapier for logistics

Tl;dr: We automate routine tasks in trucking like processing bills, updating orders, and replying to emails. We supercharge employees, freeing up 60% of their day to focus on more critical work.

Want to learn more? Schedule a call

🫠 Problem

North American trucking companies and shippers spend approximately $41 billion annually on operational work that can be automated. This includes tasks performed by over 2.2 million employees.

On top of that, companies in trucking struggle with:

  • Tight margins
  • Difficulty in finding and retaining talent
  • Repetitive tasks clogging up already stretched operations teams

😁 Solution

Cartage is an automation platform that runs in the background.

We use machine learning and AI to turn documents and emails into data and use that data to update other systems.

  • If an email confirms an order pickup, we'll update the status in your TMS (transportation management system)
  • If an ETA is missing, our system will email to request it and update your TMS upon receiving a response
  • If you receive a bill via email, we’ll automatically process it and update the relevant systems

Our automations:

  • Improve margins
  • Allow teams to scale without headcount
  • Free up employees to focus on more critical tasks

The platform is powered by a workflow engine that can be customized to suit the unique operational needs of every customer.

💥 Impact

We started by automating bill processing and invoicing for 3PLs. We’ve reduced bill processing time from 8 hours per day to 20 minutes per day and automated 5000+ invoices at a 97% self-service ratio. This has resulted in hundreds of hours in operational time savings and improved cash flow.

Learn more here.

👨‍💻 Team

Abdul Basharat (CEO) and Josh Lampen (CTO) were seed-stage employees at Rose Rocket (YC S16), a leading ERP solution for trucking companies.

Abdul started in the sales team before shifting into product. He led product development on Rose Rocket’s collaboration features (customer portal, partner portal, emails, Network TMS). Before Rose Rocket, Abdul started his career training as a military pilot and worked in management consulting.

Josh was a lead engineer in developing Rose Rocket’s workflow engine, integrations, and payments solutions. Outside of Rose Rocket, Josh was an engineer at Together (YC 19) and played water polo for Canada’s National Team.

👨‍💻 Ask

(1) Please connect us to any shippers, 3PLs, and freight brokers in your network - fill out this form, and we’ll follow up (takes three seconds)
(2) If you’re working in or have worked in logistics, we’d love to connect and chat - schedule a call here.