Olive Legal

Olive Legal: AI summaries of medical records for personal injury lawyers

We help personal injury lawyers save time and cut their paralegal costs in half.

tl;dr: Olive uses AI to summarize client medical records for personal injury lawyers. We're at $5k MRR after launching five weeks ago, and PI firms choose us because we double the efficiency of their paralegals.

Hi everyone! We’re Sam and Greg, and we’re the team behind Olive.

Sam's ex-girlfriend introduced him to Greg back at CMU in 2017, and while that relationship didn't last, our friendship has. After undergrad, Greg (left) went to Harvard Law School ⚖️, while Sam (right) worked for three years at Jane Street, including a year in Hong Kong, where he built out a satellite dev team for the algo options trading desk 📈.

Greg graduated, Sam quit, and we founded Olive with a big idea: use AI to make the law more accessible. Given Greg's background, we started with AI in corporate law but quickly realized the space was crowded and turned our attention to the under-competed $65B personal injury market.

Why personal injury law?

The incentives are aligned—plaintiff lawyers are paid on contingency and, therefore, love time-saving tools. Paralegals are expensive, and LLMs are getting good enough that, with care, they can replace specific paralegal tasks.

Why Olive?

We have competitors who have proven substantial demand for medical chronologies, but they operate at best on hybrid human/AI approaches with multi-day turnarounds. We think there's space for an AI solution that cuts humans out of the loop entirely with instant turnarounds, and we think we're the right team to do it.

Okay, but actually, why call it Olive 🫒?

I guess we liked the color scheme?

What’s next?

We will capture an increasing share of the value paralegals provide personal injury lawyers. We also see Olive expanding beyond just personal injury—interpreting unstructured medical data is critical for insurers to defend malpractice claims, class action firms to assemble plaintiffs, claimants to appeal insurance denials, providers to improve outcomes, the Social Security Administration to process disability applications speedily—we could go on. We're on a mission to remove barriers to information transfer, and therefore make justice more accessible.

Our ask 🙏

If you know any personal injury lawyers, send them over to our website, or have them book a demo directly!