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Overstand – Unlock Founder Mode with Real-Time Customer Insights

Know where your company needs you most

Overstand is a single platform and API that helps business leaders unlock "founder mode" by providing real-time insights from all customer communications—Slack, email, WhatsApp, call recordings, and more.

The problem: As companies grow, it becomes harder for leaders to stay deeply connected to their customers. Critical trends, opportunities, and issues often go unnoticed, leading to slower decision-making, missed opportunities, and unresolved problems. Scaling without visibility into what’s happening at the “edges” of the business—customer interactions—creates blind spots that hinder growth.

How we solve it: Overstand aggregates customer communications into one unified platform and delivers actionable insights.

  • Know Where You’re Needed Most: Focus on areas where your involvement can drive the biggest impact.
  • Find Opportunities Everywhere: Discover new prospects or expand existing relationships.
  • Spot Trends Instantly: Identify issues and opportunities in real time.
  • Integrate Seamlessly: Use Overstand’s API to bring insights directly into workflows, dashboards, or other tools.

With Overstand, business leaders regain clarity, focus, and the ability to scale while staying deeply in tune with their customers. See a demo of Overstand here.

Our ask: If you or someone you know is struggling to maintain visibility into their company's customer interactions and opportunities, we’d love to help. Reach out to founders@overstandlabs.com or visit overstandlabs.com to learn more or schedule a demo.