

Get matched with top 1% of talents in 24h

Awesomic matches companies with top & vetted product talents in 24 hours. Find your designers, engineers or no-coders in a few clicks. They deliver you results through our app, every 24 business hours guaranteed, for a flat monthly subscription. Successfully matched 4000+ companies, including 400+ YC startups, with their talents who completed over 14 000 projects in the app. Book a live demo here: https://www.awesomic.com/demo Portfolio – https://www.awesomic.com/portfolio Cases – https://www.awesomic.com/case-study
Team Size:150
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Jared Friedman
Active Founders

Stacy Pavlyshyna, Founder

Hi, I'm Stacy (short from Anastasia). I'm Ukrainian based in San Francisco, entrepreneur from Forbes 30 under 30 list, with 2 times being on its printed covers. My background is in marketing, my passion is in creating awesome products (and teams). At 19, I graduated from 2 universities at once, then worked in marketing for 5 years. With my co-founder we were matched in Tinder 9 years ago — and now we match talents with the jobs :) Awesomic is our third business. Hope you had fun reading this!
Stacy Pavlyshyna
Stacy Pavlyshyna

Roman Sevast, Founder

Roman is a self-taught hacker, builder, and hustler from Ukraine. At 13 y.o., he started launching various projects, including startups and game servers. He dropped out of college to pursue his passion. In 2020, Roman founded Awesomic (S21), which was recognized as the Fastest Growing Startup in Ukraine 2021 and named in Forbes 30u30.
Roman Sevast
Roman Sevast

YC Sign Photo

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