

Knowledge base for corporate affairs teams

Axis is a knowledge base of government regulations and officials that helps large companies do business in foreign markets. For example, if you want to operate in Saudi Arabia - our software tells you which laws you need to comply with and which officials you need approvals from. We currently cover major markets in Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Team Size:15
Location:New York

Active Founders

Mishaal Al Gergawi

I grew up in Dubai and was there most of my life till moving to New York in 2018. I studied finance and worked in investment banking. I became a writer in 2008 and in 2011 built Delma, a risk consultancy.

Mishaal Al Gergawi
Mishaal Al Gergawi

Alejandro Vidal Rodriguez

For 10+ years, I've been delivering software (web, mobile, backend, architecture), setting processes, roadmaps, KPIs, and defining tech strategy and teams for companies worldwide. I care about architecture, clean code, processes, people, software quality, and its impact on the business.

Alejandro Vidal Rodriguez
Alejandro Vidal Rodriguez