

AI admin/operations staff for law firms

Caseflood.ai helps law firms cut costs by a third and increase average case value by 20% by replacing their entire admin/operations staff with AI agents. It takes care of all admin tasks - from client intake to case analysis to engaging clients - allowing for firms to be run more profitably and wildly more efficient. Caseflood.ai is on a mission to fundamentally change the unit economics of the legal industry.
Team Size:3
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Jared Friedman

Active Founders

Ethan Hilton, Founder

18 | AI Agents to replace non-lawyer employees in law firms | Ex-CMU AI
Ethan Hilton
Ethan Hilton

Tolen Schreid, Founder

Former Game-Dev now flooding cases
Tolen Schreid
Tolen Schreid

Ayushman Srivastava, Founder

Building Caseflood.ai | MS in AI in Information Systems at CMU | Previously : Fraud Detection @ Swiggy (India) and Chief Data Scientist @ Mu Sigma.
Ayushman Srivastava
Ayushman Srivastava