

Workflow software for solar & energy contractors ☀️😎

Coperniq is workflow software for solar & energy contractors. It cuts soft cost per installation by $3K (17% of total cost) & accelerates project completion by 45 days (30% of project timeline). We replace Salesforce, spreadsheets, pencil-&-paper, & other hacky workarounds with an industry-specific application for the underserved energy workforce. Main benefits for our customers 1. Finish projects faster and cheaper: Our platform cuts 17% of soft costs, allowing contractors to deploy more projects, faster, and cheaper, with 5-star customer experience every time 2. Turn costly (often unprofitable) service calls into a revenue engine: By integrating with hardware OEMs (Enphase, SolarEdge, etc...), Coperniq gives you real-time health checks for your install base, automates service tickets, & drives referral revenue Coperniq does all this and much more in one beautiful platform! Are you or someone you know running or thinking about starting a solar company? [Schedule a call with us :)](https://calendly.com/coperniq-sales/discovery-web-v2 )
Jobs at Coperniq
San Francisco
$80K - $140K
0.05% - 0.20%
3+ years
Team Size:6
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Gustaf Alstromer
Active Founders

Abdullah Al Zandani, Founder

sales&ops @ two solar companies || energy efficiency building auditor @ ADM | B.S. Energy Engineering Cal '21
Abdullah Al Zandani
Abdullah Al Zandani

Max Kazakov, Founder

Skills: Software, Data, UX/UI; Edu: CS & Philosophy @ UC Berkeley
Max Kazakov
Max Kazakov
Company Launches
😎☀️ Coperniq — Workflow software for solar & energy contractors
See original launch post ›

What’s up YC 👻 , Max & Abdullah here - co-founders of Coperniq (W23).

🏃‍♂️ TL;DR

Coperniq is workflow software for solar & energy contractors. It cuts soft cost per installation by $3K (17% of total cost) & accelerates projects by 45 days (30% of project timeline).

It automates the entire workflow so contractors can focus on growing their business & helping more homeowners go solar 😎☀️

🤯 Problem

Abdullah used to work in the solar industry, first in the sales department, and later in operations management.

He witnessed first-hand that while “going solar” was a no-brainer and took consumers 5 minutes, the process of getting a solar system turned on was a nightmare for companies and customers alike, taking 6-9 months instead of the promised 90 days. 

This is because despite being one of the most important industries of our lifetime, solar is in the dark ages technologically. Bloated Salesforce instances, spreadsheets with 300+ columns, and pencil-and-paper workflows in the field…

This results in project managers working 60-hour weeks, human error & delays at every step of the process, and some of the worst customer experience in the entire home improvement sector.

💡 Solution

Coperniq is the first industry-specific platform for the underserved energy workforce. It helps…

1. Finish projects faster and cheaper

Our platform cuts up to 25% of soft costs, allowing contractors to deploy more projects, faster, and cheaper; with 5-star customer experience every time.

2. Turn costly (often unprofitable) service calls into a revenue engine

By integrating with hardware OEMs (Enphase, SolarEdge, etc…), Coperniq gives you real-time health checks for your install base, automates service tickets, & drives referral revenue.

🙏 Ask

Are you or someone you know running (or thinking of starting) a solar company?

YC Sign Photo

Company photo