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Formula Insight

Help Institutional Investors manage, track & query their Excel models

Formula Insight offers Institutional Investors previously inaccessible data. We provide a central repository of financial models so investors can track changes to forecasts, quantify projection accuracy and expedite analysis. This further systematizes the investment process and enables better investment decisions.
Formula Insight
Team Size:2
Location:New York
Group Partner:Brad Flora
Active Founders

Will Tong, Founder

Co-Founder and CEO of Formula Insight. Will brings a decade of financial expertise to the role. He spent the past 4 years in public equities investing, most recently managing a healthcare equities portfolio at Citadel. In 2022, Will distinguished himself as a top 5 equity analyst within Citadel's Global Equities division.

Stefan Raghavan, Founder

Co-Founder and CTO at Formula Insight. Background in building complex engineering systems, specializing in rockets and drones, most recently at SpaceX and Zero Aviation.
Stefan Raghavan
Stefan Raghavan
Formula Insight
Company Launches
Formula Insight: An Equity Research Platform that Analyzes Complex Excel Models
See original launch post ›


At Formula Insight, we’re launching our new equity research platform. It’s integrated with FactSet data and designed by a former Citadel investor and SpaceX engineer. Institutional investors use spreadsheets to manage billions of dollars for investments. However, key insights are lost when connecting the dots between complex Excel financial models with millions of cells and across hundreds of SEC filings, management transcripts, and research papers.

Formula Insight expedites the research process by analyzing these critical documents in minutes to help investors gain an edge in the public markets.


The Problem

Financial models in Excel are the backbone of every investment thesis. Still, the workflow between financial model analysis and other key research documents has been separate. Critical details are missed when drawing inferences between Excel data and paper documents, and the work to build the fact pattern for investment decisions is inefficient.

The Solution

Users can accurately search through millions of cells and build the fact pattern within internal financial Excel models, all down to granular KPIs for custom benchmarking. They can also plot financial projections against consensus estimates and draw inferences across hundreds of documents, including transcripts and filings. All answers have source document references and are housed within a secure environment, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected.

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