

Growth platform for modern software teams

Frigade helps growth teams better activate and up-sell customers in-product. We combine React UI components such as <Tour />, <Checklist />, and <Announcement /> with a web app to easily power user targeting, content, orchestration, and more.
Jobs at Frigade
San Francisco, CA, US
$130K - $180K
0.50% - 1.50%
3+ years
Team Size:4
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Michael Seibel
Active Founders

Eric Brownrout, Founder

Eric is the co-founder and CEO of Frigade. Before founding Frigade, Eric co-founded Perform, a mobile app to help runners reach their goals through a combination of AI and 1:1 human coaching. Prior to that, he worked in product management at Digit where he helped launch an AI-powered mobile banking app and at LinkedIn where he managed an intelligent communications platform for notifications and email.
Eric Brownrout
Eric Brownrout

Christian Mathiesen, Founder

Christian is the co-founder and CTO of Frigade. Before founding Frigade, Christian co-founded Perform, a platform to help runners reach their goals through a combination of AI and 1:1 human coaching. Prior to that, he worked in engineering at LinkedIn where he helped launch LinkedIn's Skills-based hiring products and LinkedIn's Hiring Platform.
Christian Mathiesen
Christian Mathiesen
Company Launches
Trench: Open Source Analytics Infrastructure 🌊
See original launch post ›

Hey everyone! We’re Christian and Eric from Frigade. Trench is open source analytics infrastructure for tracking events, identifying users, and querying data in real time.

It’s built on top of ClickHouse and Kafka for speed and scale, and it can be deployed with a single production-ready Docker image. Trench is a major part of Frigade’s infrastructure and powers our own in-product analytics and user targeting for millions of end users.

The code is MIT-licensed at https://github.com/frigadehq/trench. We just launched, and Trench gained over 1,000 GitHub stars ⭐ in less than a week.


Check out our open source demo to see how to build your own version of a Google Analytics dashboard powered by Trench in less than 15 minutes.


🚨 The Problem: Postgres doesn't scale for tracking and querying millions of events at scale

As we’ve scaled Frigade to millions of end users, our Postgres table we used for event tracking was quickly ballooning in cost and becoming a performance bottleneck. Many companies run into the same problem as us (e.g. Stripe, Heroku).
Engineers start by adding a basic events table to their relational database, which works at first, but breaks down as the user base scales. It's usually the biggest table in the database, the slowest one to query, and the longest one to back up. Postgres (or MySQL for that matter) simply isn't a good solution for tracking and querying events in real time at 1M+ end users scale.

The Solution: Fast, scalable, and affordable event tracking

We knew we wanted to move to technologies like Kafka and ClickHouse that are purpose-built for ingesting and querying thousands of events per second. When we looked for existing solutions, all the existing OSS projects we found were either bloated with unnecessary features, UIs and spaghetti code, or simply antiquated. So we built Trench.
With Trench, we've put together a single Docker image that provides a production-ready tracking event table that scales. When we migrated our tracking table from Postgres to Trench, we saw a 42% reduction in cost to serve on our primary Postgres cluster and eliminated all lag spikes from autoscaling under high traffic. We're happy with how Trench has solved event tracking for us, and now we’re excited to share that with other teams.

Core Features

  • Compliant with the Segment tracking specifications
  • Can handle thousands of events per second on a single node
  • Query tracking data in real-time with read-after-write guarantees
  • Send data anywhere with throttled and batched webhooks
  • Single production-ready Docker image
  • Easily plugs into cloud-hosted ClickHouse/Kafka solutions

Use cases

What can you build with Trench? There are many use cases:

  1. Real-Time Monitoring and Alerting – Monitor your services and get alerts through tracking custom events like errors, usage spikes, or specific user actions, and send that data anywhere with webhooks.
  2. Event Replay and Debugging – Capture all user interactions in real time for event replay services.
  3. A/B Testing Platform – Capture events from different users and groups in real time. Segment users by querying in real time and serve the right experiences to the right users.
  4. Product Analytics for SaaS Applications – Embed Trench into your existing SaaS product to power user audit logs or tracking scripts on your end-users' websites
  5. Build a custom RAG AI model – Easily query event data and give users answers in real time. LLMs are really good at writing SQL.

Try it out and give us a star ⭐

We hope you’ll find Trench useful if you’re facing or have ever experienced a similar problem with analytics at scale. Here are some links to get started:

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