

Generative AI for Commercial Real Estate Professionals

Henry is an AI copilot for commercial real estate (CRE) brokers that seamlessly integrates a brokerage’s internal data set with external sources to generate custom presentations and financial modeling for deals. Our mission is to help CRE brokers close more deals faster, earning more while doing less repetitive work. We’re initially focusing on enabling brokers to generate deal decks in seconds—a task that typically consumes 20+ hours a week across multiple departments within a brokerage. The long term vision is to take all of these brokerages' unstructured data and build the most powerful CRE database on the planet. Because brokers are involved at the heart of every CRE transaction, we are capturing this transaction data at the source, where no data company in the industry can access. The more brokerages leveraging Henry on transactions, the more unstructured data Henry can ingest. The better the data Henry stores, the better it gets at providing accurate CRE insights and completing brokers' tasks. Eventually, we will topple Costar ($40B market cap) who has a mediocre product relying on call centers to collect data on real estate transactions. Henry will have definitively more accurate, real time data, pulled from both integrations to brokerages internal data (i.e emails and salesforce) and from data emitted by the platform itself (i.e sales comps, unit prices etc.). The plan is to start with building the best in class workflow solution and end up with an impenetrable data moat.

Team Size:3
Location:New York
Group Partner:David Lieb

Active Founders

Sammy Greenwall, Founder, CEO

Sammy is the Co-Founder and CEO of Henry, Co-Founder and former CRO of Lev (which he scaled 0 to Series B / $10M+ run rate), and a retired real estate finance professional. Sammy was born and raised in the Bay Area and played college basketball at Swarthmore College. Sammy is passionate about building great products in large and stubborn markets.

Sammy Greenwall
Sammy Greenwall

Adam Pratt

2x Founder, Currently CTO and Co-Founder @ Henry. Previously, Firefighter (Hamilton, NY - Station 19) and Co-Founder @ Halligan (Fire Department Saas Platform). Aquired by Vector Solutions in 2019

Adam Pratt
Adam Pratt

Company Launches

Hi everyone! We are Sammy and Adam, and we’re creating an AI copilot that automates the deal deck creation and financial analysis process for CRE (commercial real estate) brokers. For example, Henry can create a full deal package for a broker selling an office building in Dogpatch in minutes instead of weeks. This will ensure that brokers maximize their time in the most value-added part of their business: relationships and sales.

Traditional brokers often spend as much as 50% of their time on tasks that do not contribute to their bottom line. From basic financial analysis to marketing presentations to win future business to basic operational support, brokers often struggle with the manual and time-consuming realities of their business. These tasks are an incredibly painful bottleneck for brokers, which interferes with their primary goal of building relationships to buy and sell property.

We are creating Henry to solve this problem. Henry is an AI copilot that takes all of the messy, unstructured data that defines CRE transactions and consolidates it into clean marketing deliverables & financial analyses in minutes rather than weeks. Long term, we plan on automating the entire deal flow process for brokers to make their cycle time for a deal an order of magnitude faster. You can find an example of what we do below:


I (Sammy) led Lev for the last five years, a 200+ person series B real estate financing marketplace that I co-founded. During this time, I realized that brokers were often bottlenecked by manual processes & antiquated technology, a problem optimally solved with advances in AI-driven technology. This led me to my partnership with Adam, who has deep experience in creating AI-enabled solutions for thorny problems that plague traditional businesses.

How you can help:

  • Know any CRE brokers? We’d love to talk to them about how we can make their lives easier & their paychecks larger. Contact us at sammy@henry.ai