Kino AI

Kino automatically organizes footage to make video editing faster.

Jobs at Kino AI

San Francisco, CA, US
$135K - $200K
0.85% - 2.75%
3+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$135K - $200K
0.75% - 2.50%
3+ years

Why you should join Kino AI

Kino AI is building tools and training models to organize video. We serve top movie and TV studios, and we make editing more productive and enjoyable.

We're a deeply technical team from MIT, SpaceX, AWS and Citadel Securities. We're backed by Y Combinator, AI Grant, and many others.

Kino currently has more demand than it can handle. We need more engineers, deeper integration within current firms, and greater reach across the industry.

Kino AI
Team Size:3
Luke Igel
Luke Igel