

Data products for sales, marketing, finance, recruiting, and more.

MixRank processes petabytes of data every month from web crawls, Google Play Store, Apple App Store, social media, and dozens of other sources. We have hundreds of customers using our data products including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Intel, and Adobe, across industries Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Security.
Jobs at MixRank
Team Size:31
Location:San Francisco
Active Founders

Scott Milliken, Founder/CEO

Mathematician, coder, entrepreneur, and data enthusiast. Scott's been building and programming computers since he was 11. He skipped high school and enrolled in college at 14. He finished a BA in Mathematics at UC Berkeley in 4 semesters, starting businesses on the side to pay for school. He's written code used by tens of millions of people, and code that's processed 100's of petabytes of data.
Scott Milliken
Scott Milliken