

Insurance calls automation for healthcare clinics.

Rada automates insurance calls for healthcare providers. Our AI voice agents navigate IVR menus and conversationally speaks to insurers about patient eligibility, pre-auths, and billing statuses.
Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Jared Friedman
Active Founders

Patrick Foster, Founder

Co-Founder at Rada. I've worked on Netflix's Machine Learning Platform and at GoDaddy, where my checkout page optimizations increased their annual revenue by $1.8M. Techstars hired me in high school to build financial models for startups.
Patrick Foster
Patrick Foster
Company Launches
Rada: Insurance calls automation for healthcare clinics
See original launch post ›


Private healthcare practices spend hours every week on the phone with insurance companies to verify patient benefits. Rada automates these calls by having an AI call on their behalf.


The Problem

Hundreds of thousands of private practices spend several hours per week on the phone with insurance companies for various administrative tasks: checking patient eligibility & fees, obtaining prior authorizations, following up on outstanding claims, etc.

These tasks are necessary to ensure a smooth billing process - preventing surprises for patients while securing prompt payment for the practice - but incur unaffordable administrative expenses that limit practice growth and ultimately drive up the cost of care.

The Solution

Rada provides AI powered voice agents to call insurance on behalf of doctor’s offices. Because it integrates with their Practice Management Software, staff can easily submit call requests with relevant context through Rada’s HIPAA-compliant portal.

About Us

Gautam worked on Google’s AI agent for coding and was an employee at his Mom’s dental clinic. Patrick worked on Netflix’s Machine Learning platform. They both graduated from the University of Iowa where they studied Computer Science and shipped a variety of software projects together.

Our Ask

Customer Intros: Please reach out to us at patrick@tryrada.com if you

— call health insurance

— know anyone who calls health insurance

— know anyone that manages healthcare practices