ZeroStep is a JavaScript library that adds the power of AI to Playwright tests. ZeroStep’s ai() function lets developers test a web application using simple plain-text instructions, embedded directly in their Playwright tests.
Here’s a complete Playwright test using ZeroStep that verifies the core “book a meeting” workflow in Calendly:
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'
import { ai } from '@zerostep/playwright'
test.describe('Calendly', () => {
test('book the next available timeslot', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('')
await ai('Verify that a calendar is displayed', { page, test })
await ai('Dismiss the privacy modal', { page, test })
await ai('Click on the first available day of the month', { page, test })
await ai('Click on the first available time in the sidebar', { page, test })
await ai('Click the Next button', { page, test })
await ai('Fill out the form with realistic values', { page, test })
await ai('Submit the form', { page, test })
const element = await page.getByText('You are scheduled')
Six months ago, we launched an AI “prompt” feature in Reflect, our low-code testing platform, that lets users execute actions and assertions from plain-text prompts. Since then, two-thirds of our customers have incorporated AI prompts into their Reflect tests. We’re convinced that AI will lead to a step change in how products are end-to-end tested, and want as many devs as possible to be able to take advantage of this new technology.
With ZeroStep, you can get the benefits of easy-to-write test steps and less flaky tests, with minimal changes to your existing Playwright testing workflow.
The biggest benefits of ZeroStep are:
Our Ask:
If your front-end developers write and maintain Playwright tests, and would benefit from tests being faster to write and easier to maintain, we think they’ll love ZeroStep.
We offer a generous free tier and it’s easy to get started. More information is available at and our GitHub repo: