

Scale your video outreach with AI

Edit and personalize your Loom-style videos with AI.
Team Size:3
Group Partner:Brad Flora
Active Founders

Sahil Singla, Founder

Ex-Apple, Salesforce | BITS Pilani 2020 CS grad
Sahil Singla
Sahil Singla

Ankit Goyal, Founder

IIT Bombay 2020 CSE graduate, previously worked at HFT firm Quadeye.
Ankit Goyal
Ankit Goyal

Shubham Rana, Founder

CPO @ Baselit. IISc Physics '20. IIMK MBA '23.
Shubham Rana
Shubham Rana
Company Launches
Retape - Create personalized demo videos with AI
See original launch post ›


With Retape, you can create personalized demo videos at scale from a single recording. Upload a list of prospects, add variables to the script, and start generating hundreds of videos in your voice with perfect lip-sync.

Get started with our free trial.


How it works

You can generate personalized videos from a recording in three easy steps.

1. Upload list of contacts

You can upload a CSV file of your prospects. Make sure to include all the fields you want to personalize in the script.

2. Add variables in the script

Select words in the transcript to add variables, such as the prospect’s name, company, or something entirely custom.

3. Generate videos in seconds

Click on 'Generate Videos,' and your videos will be ready soon. You can also add CTA buttons and customize the branding of video landing pages.

Our ask

Try out Retape today! We have a free trial that gives you 10 free videos.

If you’d like to see a demo: schedule a call