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Seals AI

AI Employees for Wholesalers & Distributors

Seals is a suite of AI Employees for Wholesalers & Distributors. Instead of relying on humans to quote, take orders, collect payments, place purchase orders and enter data into ERPs. We build AI Employees that do these manual repetitive tasks for the 700k wholesalers in the US. We’re a team of three Computer Science majors, and Fernando launched and grew AT&T in Mexico to $120M ARR. Previously, we all worked together at our last YC-backed startup, building it to over $6M in revenue. It was there that we placed thousands of purchase orders with wholesalers. We realized that almost every physical product comes from B2B sales in the supply chain. However, it turns out that most of these operations are still done manually through phone and email, involving tasks like quoting, taking orders, collecting payments, entering data into ERPs, and providing support. By automating these tasks with AI agents in a human-like manner, we are creating a massive opportunity to convert $100B of payroll expenses into software spending.
Seals AI
Team Size:4
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Aaron Epstein
Active Founders

Luis Mario Garcia, Founder

Co-founder & CEO of Seals AI (S24). I am a second-time founder who built a YC-backed (W20) grocery delivery startup and grew it to $6.3M in revenue and 30K customers. I designed all the software, including Driver, Consumer, and Warehouse Apps. I was in founder mode acquiring customers, operating warehouses, launching cities, recruiting engineers, and fundraising. I personally delivered 1,000 orders to talk to users and build the product.
Luis Mario Garcia
Luis Mario Garcia
Seals AI

Heber Garza, Founder

Computer Science graduate. I am the founder & CTO of several venture-backed startups, including enterprise-grade software products. I have been writing code for the past 18 years. Before joining Seals, I led engineering at a YC-backed startup, scaling the software to 30,000 customers.
Heber Garza
Heber Garza
Seals AI

Javier Gonzalez, Founder

Computer Science graduate. I have been coding since I was 12 years old. At my first company, I built an app that reached 500,000 users by myself. I am a second-time YC-backed founder who built and scaled four complex software apps, think of the DoorDash stack.
Javier Gonzalez
Javier Gonzalez
Seals AI

Fernando Huerta, Founder

I love technology because it is the bicycle of the mind. During my life, I have had the opportunity to: 1. Get a Computer Science degree and make the first internet connection in LATAM in 1989. 2. Launch AT&T in Mexico and grow it from $0 to $120M ARR as Marketing-Sales Director. 3. Deliver 300K grocery orders to 30k customers at Orchata a YC-backed (W20) startup.
Fernando Huerta
Fernando Huerta
Seals AI
Company Launches
Seals AI - AI Employees for Wholesalers & Distributors.
See original launch post ›


  • Instead of relying on humans to quote, take orders, collect payments, and enter data into ERPs, we build AI Employees that handle these manual repetitive tasks for the 700k wholesalers in the US.
  • Team of second-time YC founders, three Computer Science majors.
  • Massive opportunity to convert $100 billion of payroll expenses into software spending.


We’re Luis Mario, Javier, Heber, and Fernando, a team of second-time YC founders, three CS majors, and Fer launched and grew AT&T in Mexico to $120M ARR. We all worked together at our last YC-backed startup, building it to over $6M in revenue. It was there that we placed thousands of purchase orders with wholesalers.


Wholesalers and distributors operate manually with human reps who use phone calls and emails to quote, place purchase orders, collect payments, enter data into ERPs, and provide support. We experienced this problem every day at our last company and realized that almost every physical product comes from B2B sales in the supply chain.


AI Agents that help wholesalers make more money by communicating in a human-like manner via phone, email, text, and WhatsApp 24/7. They handle tasks such as quoting, order taking, support, data entry into ERP systems, payment collections, and document processing.


By automating these tasks, we are creating a massive opportunity to convert $100 billion of payroll expenses into software spending.

The Ask