

Root cause manufacturing issues in seconds

Serial is software to help manufacturers root cause problems in minutes not days and avoid millions in liabilities. Our solution integrates with data sources from any production line, enabling engineering & operations teams to ask questions about their manufacturing data and instantly get answers. Serial will become the single source of truth for manufacturing data. Our founding team has 10+ years of manufacturing and product design experience from Apple, Tesla, and more. We have suffered this problem firsthand and are building the tool to fix it.
Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Aaron Epstein
Active Founders

Tak Alguire, Founder

Co-founder and CEO of Serial (W23). Tak has spent the past 5 years in manufacturing operations at companies such as Apple, North, and Fleetcarma. He has firsthand experience deploying large-scale data tools for the iPhone and Apple Watch to empower engineers to make data-driven decisions. Now he wants to help all engineers save time and effort.
Tak Alguire
Tak Alguire

Devon Copeland, Founder

Co-founder and CTO of Serial (W23). Devon has spent over 5 years working in hardware engineering at companies like Apple, Tesla, and Aeryon Labs. His obsession with timely, data-driven decision making has guided the engineering of several features on Apple Watch Ultra and the Model 3. Today, Devon is laser-focused on bringing his wealth of analytical engineering knowledge to Serial, thereby unlocking new cheat codes for any company making physical products.
Devon Copeland
Devon Copeland
Company Launches
Serial - Unify your manufacturing data
See original launch post ›


Serial unifies data from your manufacturing process, enabling engineers to save time and root cause issues immediately.

The Problem

  • Root-causing manufacturing issues is a painful and time-consuming process that requires collecting and aligning all forms of data - log files, dimensional measurements, supplier reports, images, etc.
  • These costly problems result in millions of dollars in lost production capacity, scrapped parts or product recalls.

The Solution

  • A pipeline to collect, parse, clean and structure data from any source on a production line
  • Models to identify local trends or deviations in data to escalate quality risks in realtime
  • Single platform to ask any question about your data and immediately get an answer

The Team

We are Waterloo grads with 10+ years of experience in product design and manufacturing quality from Apple, Tesla, and North. We have suffered this problem firsthand and are building the tool we wish we had.

The Ask - Intros to Manufacturers

If you are manufacturing products and share this pain, then reach out to founders@serial.io or sign up directly at serial.io