HomeCompaniesSimple AI

AI Phone Agents

Simple AI makes it easy for businesses to build hyper-realistic AI phone agents. Businesses use us for customer support, leads qualification, and more.
Jobs at Simple AI
San Francisco, CA, US
$100 - $180K
3+ years
Simple AI
Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Michael Seibel
Active Founders

Catheryn Li, Founder

Cat is co-founder and CEO of Simple AI. Previously, she spent 4 years at Y Combinator, where she led the software team responsible for Startup School, the YC Library, and YC's Co-Founder Matching site. She has degrees in computer science and math from MIT.
Catheryn Li
Catheryn Li
Simple AI

Zach Kamran, Founder

Co-founder Simple AI. Previously working on Bookface at YC.
Zach Kamran
Zach Kamran
Simple AI
Company Launches
Simple AI - AI phone assistant for consumers
See original launch post ›

We’re thrilled to announce that starting today, Simple AI Phone Assistant is available on the App Store.

Simple AI can make AI powered phone calls on your behalf. Simple can wait on hold and navigate phone trees. Simple can make phone calls in 33 countries using 15 different languages, or even call 10 different stores at the same time.

We tested a beta version of the app extensively with our initial set of 1000 users. We wanted to make sure Simple could successfully perform a variety of tasks, including: making restaurant reservations; finding and booking doctors, dentist, and vision appointments; asking grocery stores, hardware stores, and other retail stores for availability or stock; calling customer support to ask for help with accounts, billing, and more.

We started Simple AI with the simple vision to bring the power of AI to regular people. We went through YC’s Summer 24 batch. During YC, we saw many startups working on ideas that leverage the new AI and LLM technology to upend various industries. But no one was working on AI for consumers.

It turns out people really hate making phone calls, and our AI is pretty good at it.

In fact, it’s better than a human at certain tasks. Zach and Cat both needed a new eye doctor and independently set out to find one that would 1) take our new insurance, and 2) had availability soon. Zach did some research on the internet and got an appointment 3 weeks out. Cat had Simple call 15 optometrists near Potrero Hill and got hers in 6 days.

We give people access to an AI assistant at their fingertips. Read more about our launch on our blog or try it out today at https://usesimple.ai/join.


Zach and Catheryn met at YC, where they spent 4 years building consumer products like Bookface, Startup School, and YC’s co-founder matching site.

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