Tasker ai

Tasker ai

Building AI agent automation layer of the internet

Tasker is building the easiest way to build AI agents to automate workflows and screen scraping.

Jobs at Tasker ai

San Francisco, CA, US
$85K - $120K
0.20% - 0.50%
3+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$180K - $250K
0.80% - 2.00%
6+ years
San Francisco
$80K - $140K
0.40% - 0.80%
6+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$85K - $150K
0.20% - 0.50%
3+ years
$130K - $160K
0.50% - 1.00%
6+ years
Tasker ai
Team Size:20
Location:San Francisco

Active Founders

Ahmed AJ

Co-founder of DAPI a Fintech startup with a mission to open banking API for data and payment, Web3 onramps & NoCode BAAS. Previously worked on venture building with pre-seed, Seed and early stage technology startups incubator.

Hesham Ghandour

Engineer, studied Computer Science in Cairo and Munich. Been building software and apps since I taught myself code. Got a few games published while in University. Built a digital recycling platform in Germany, paid my expenses through college. Built the first bus tracking application in Cairo. Used BLE beacons on buses, and tablets in kiosks all over Cairo to detect when the bus passed by. Built Egypt's first Venmo like app that connected to your bank account and transfer money.

Hesham Ghandour
Hesham Ghandour
Tasker ai