Tasker ai

Building AI agent automation layer of the internet

Jobs at Tasker ai

San Francisco, CA, US
$85K - $150K
0.20% - 0.50%
3+ years
$130K - $160K
0.50% - 1.00%
6+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$90K - $140K
0.20% - 0.50%
6+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$180K - $250K
0.80% - 2.00%
6+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$85K - $120K
0.20% - 0.50%
3+ years
San Francisco
$80K - $140K
0.40% - 0.80%
6+ years

Why you should join Tasker ai

Tasker AI is building the easiest way to build AI agents to automate workflows and screen scraping. Tasker AI is San Fransisco based company backed by Y Combinator

Tasker ai
Team Size:20
Location:San Francisco
Ahmed AJ
Ahmed AJ
Hesham Ghandour
Hesham Ghandour