

Turn your healthcare operations into growth

Tennr is a first-of-its-kind automations platform built to handle the nuances of human-decision making within healthcare operations.
Jobs at Tennr
New York City Office
$120K - $190K
3+ years
New York City Office
$110K - $160K
3+ years
New York City Office
$60K - $90K
1+ years
Team Size:44
Location:New York
Group Partner:Gustaf Alstromer
Active Founders

Trey Holterman, Founder

Former All-American rower, Computer science major and TA before going to work as a Software engineer at Strava. Left Strava to start a company with my former teammate Diego and former roommate Tyler. Outside of work, (pre-startup) I did standup whenever I had time
Trey Holterman
Trey Holterman

Diego Baugh, Founder

Built cool things in undergrad. Then discovered a love for design — turns out I generally like the process of finding patterns — helps me in work and in poker. Also, software should probably be less painful to use than it is ;) Rowed in college, now living in NYC.
Diego Baugh
Diego Baugh

Tyler Johnson, Founder

Tyler is the co-founder and CTO at Tennr. He met his co-founders, Trey and Diego, while studying at Stanford, and spent a year working in technical consulting before leaving to work with them. A dedicated midwesterner, he lives in Wisconsin with a lot of dogs!
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson