

Terra simplifies product design, manufacturing, and sourcing for SMBs

Enter Terra, a new world of product building. Connect with suppliers, expedite sampling, and track production in real-time, removing the uncertainties of overseas manufacturing.

Team Size:2
Location:New York
Group Partner:Diana Hu

Active Founders

Lev Glushkovskii

Previously co-founded SabersPro and bootstrapped the company from 0 to $10M+ in sales in 2.5 years, where he restructured the supply chain with factories increasing margins by 15% saving ~1M in profits. Dropped out from the Business, Technology, and Entrepreneurship program (BTE) at NYU Stern.

Lev Glushkovskii
Lev Glushkovskii

Dylan McFarland

In high school bootstrapped a furniture startup and in under a year went from selling on Craigslist to running a 40-person factory in Shenzhen. Took those insights and dropped out NYU Stern BTE to run Terra, a platform that streamlines supply chain creation for growing companies.

Dylan McFarland
Dylan McFarland

Company Launches


Use Terra as an all-in-one platform to seamlessly develop, manufacture, and ship your products. Discover pre-vetted suppliers and instantly create modular supply chains, all while having access to wholesale pricing regardless of order quantity.

The Team

Hello all! We’re Dylan and Lev from Terra, and we’re really passionate about making custom manufacturing accessible to everyone.

🚨 The Problem 🚨

We’ve been working with suppliers globally since we were freshmen in high school. If you can think of a costly manufacturing or shipping mistake, we’ve likely already made it a dozen times over. But through our experiences building supply chains, we’ve routinely run into the same issues:

⚙️ Way too many moving parts

⚠️ The best factories have high minimum order requirements

👎 Current software is either too rudimentary or ridiculously complex

✅ The Solution ✅

  • Forget spending weeks juggling multiple supplier group chats, spreadsheets of shipping quotes, and financial docs. Terra automatically matches you with the right partners through a single dashboard, allowing you to launch products in minutes.
  • We aggregate demand based on similarity, ensuring you’ll get access to the best pricing and factories regardless of order size.
  • Our platform is completely modular. Build a supply chain entirely from our pre-vetted partners, onboard your existing suppliers, or use a combination of both. No constrictions, only flexibility.

🤝 Our Ask 🤝

Are you or anyone in your network looking to launch/scale/streamline manufacturing processes? If so, hit us at founders@useterra.com, we’d love to get in touch.

Currently looking specifically for anyone selling/manufacturing furniture or home goods!