

Automatically find and fix your software vulnerabilities

ZeroPath is a developer tool that autonomously detects, verifies, and submits fixes for vulnerabilities in your code. Engineers can use ZeroPath to find security problems that they might only otherwise catch in pentests or from bug bounty researchers.
Team Size:4
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:David Lieb
Active Founders

Dean Valentine, Founder

CEO of ZeroPath. Previous exit at Mevlink, acquired by Bloxroute in 2023.
Dean Valentine
Dean Valentine

Nathan Hrncirik, Founder

CIO at ZeroPath. Security Engineer & 100k+ earned bug bounty hunter. Formerly Red Team at Tesla.
Nathan Hrncirik
Nathan Hrncirik

Raphael Karger, Founder

CTO at ZeroPath. Former Google Security Engineer and BishopFox Consultant.
Raphael Karger
Raphael Karger

Etienne Lunetta, Founder

COO at ZeroPath. Former Co-Founder at Mevlink, acquired by bloXroute Labs in 2023.
Etienne Lunetta
Etienne Lunetta
Company Launches
šŸ›”ļø ZeroPath - Autonomous vulnerability patching
See original launch post ā€ŗ

šŸ“ TL;DR: ZeroPath is a GitHub app that detects, verifies, and issues pull requests for security vulnerabilities in your code.

šŸ’” Why We Built This:

As security engineers and developers, we've seen firsthand how challenging it is for businesses to secure their products. Existing Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools overwhelm teams with false positives and fail to remediate the real vulnerabilities they do find. We built ZeroPath to allow fast-moving teams to write secure code without having to configure or review a scan dashboard.

šŸ›  How It Works:

  1. Executes regular vulnerability scans of your source code
  2. Integrates with GitHub to scan pull requests for vulnerabilities
  3. Uses advanced LLMs to significantly reduce false positives
  4. Generates patches for vulnerabilities identified
  5. Automatically issues pull requests to patch them

šŸ’Ŗ Why ZeroPath:

  • Integrates with your existing SAST - removes 85% of false positives
  • Reduces vulnerability remediation time by up to 90%
  • Enables natural language modification of patches, just tag @zeropath-ai in PRs (including your own!)
  • Supports complex, multi-file changes seamlessly
  • Prevents SAST vendor lock-in

šŸ‘„ Our Team:

  • Nathan: Ex-Tesla Red Team Engineer, $100k+ in bug bounties
  • Raphael: Ex-Google Security Engineer, 12 security researcher hall of fames
  • Dean & Etienne: Founders of Mevlink (acquired by Bloxroute in 2023)

šŸ’° YC Launch Deal: 50% off for 12 months

  • $20/month per contributing developer (reg. $40)
  • Use code LAUNCHYC at checkout, valid until 8/15

šŸ™ How You Can Help:

We're eager for your insights on our product, feature ideas, and security needs - whether through trying our GitHub app, scheduling a meeting, or sharing feedback.

šŸš€ Get started in 30 seconds: https://github.com/apps/zeropath-ai/installations/new

šŸ“… Want to learn more? Schedule a demo: https://cal.com/zeropath/30min