

AI-powered OS for nurse recruiting & retention

Adni is the first AI-powered nurse recruiting and retention platform. With our professional network of nurses and talent experience software, leading healthcare organizations, like UT Medical Center and PRN Healthcare, use Adni to hire nurses 2x faster and retain them 2x longer, all at 4x lower cost than alternatives. What Doximity (IPO 2021) did for doctors, Adni is doing for nurses.
Jobs at Adni
San Francisco, CA, US / Chicago, IL, US / New York, NY, US / Remote (US)
$130K - $150K
0.50% - 1.50%
3+ years
Team Size:5
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Brad Flora
Active Founders

Anthony Scarpone-Lambert, Founder

Co-Founder & CEO at Adni (Formerly Lumify), Registered Nurse, UPenn Alum (Nursing, Wharton), and two-time Broadway performer from Philadelphia, PA. Currently based in NYC. Feel free to reach out at anthony@adni.co to connect!
Anthony Scarpone-Lambert
Anthony Scarpone-Lambert

Jennifferre Mancillas, Founder

Founder & COO at Adni, Nurse, California 2021 Nurse of the Year, and Johnson & Johnson Innovation Fellow from Fresno, CA. Feel free to reach out at jennifferre@adni.co to connect!
Jennifferre Mancillas
Jennifferre Mancillas

Company Photo

Company photo