Mica AI

Mica AI

Turn Sales Calls into Personalized Deal Summary Pages

Mica helps B2B SaaS sales teams close more deals by turning sales calls into personalized deal summary pages to share with prospects. Mica ingests your sales calls and automatically creates a comprehensive landing page after each call. This page includes everything your prospect needs to make a decision—pain points, solutions, proven results, pricing, and next steps—all in one place. This ensures that decision-makers, regardless of whether they were on the original call, have access to the most relevant information in one centralized location. Before Mica, the founders often found themselves on sales calls with vendors, where they would learn about various product features and benefits. After the call, they would need to convey this information to other decision-makers on their team who weren't on the call. However, they often struggled to communicate the value propositions as effectively as the sales rep. This miscommunication frequently led to delays or even halted deals, costing sellers anywhere from $10k to $500k+ per deal. This led the founders to create Mica. Sales reps needed a way to present the highlights of the call so that everyone in the prospect's organization could get the same experience of being on the original call, without having to sit through the entire conversation. By using Mica, sales teams have seen significant increases in conversion rates, faster sales cycles, and improved alignment among stakeholders. Mica ensures that everyone involved in the decision-making process is fully informed and engaged, ultimately leading to more closed deals.

Mica AI
Team Size:3
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Brad Flora

Active Founders

Achyuta Iyengar, CEO

Achyuta is the co-founder and CEO of Mica AI. Prior to Mica, Achyuta worked as a Product Manager at Lob (YC S13) where he led the New Product Development, Address Verification, and Developer Experience teams. He has a BS in Business Administration from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley.

Achyuta Iyengar
Achyuta Iyengar
Mica AI

Bharadwaj Swaminathan, Head of Eng

Bharadwaj is the founder and Head of Engineering at Mica AI. Previously, he worked as a Data Scientist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, working on creating machine learning products in the networking space. He has a Bachelor's in Data Science and Economics from UC Berkeley.

Bharadwaj Swaminathan
Bharadwaj Swaminathan
Mica AI

Jai Yarlagadda, CTO

Jai is the co-founder and CTO of Mica AI. Before Mica, Jai was Senior Machine Learning Engineer at GenerAI focused on building video understanding AI models, scaling software, and understanding client needs. Before that, he was a Software Engineer at Booz Allen Hamilton, building scalable software used by tens of thousands of users. He studied Physics and Computer Science at University of California, Berkeley.

Jai Yarlagadda
Jai Yarlagadda
Mica AI

Company Launches

Hi everyone, we’re Achyuta, Jai, and Bharadwaj!


Mica helps SaaS sales teams close more deals by turning sales calls into personalized video highlights for prospects.

The Problem:

Once a sales call is over, it's up to the champion to convey the key points and value props to other decision-makers within their organization. This can be challenging, as they often don’t capture or communicate the information as effectively as the sales rep, potentially slowing down or even halting the deal. This costs companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in deals closed annually.

Our Solution:

Mica turns sales calls into personalized video highlight reels that sales teams can share with champions to keep them excited and help them spread the word internally.

Key Benefits

  1. Create More Champions: Decision-makers who were not on the call can quickly view Mica’s videos, understand the key points, and get up to speed quickly.
  2. Faster Sales Cycles: The point of contact can easily review important information from the call and make decisions faster.

How it Works

  1. Upload: Mica automatically takes in your sales call from your existing recording/notetaking tools.
  2. Key Points: Mica identifies the key points that the prospect was most interested in.
  3. Generate Highlights: Mica creates short videos for each key topic.
  4. Share: Mica creates a shareable link containing the videos that can be attached in a follow-up email or sent directly to the prospect.

Here’s a demo of Mica that we created from an actual Mica sales call:


Our Ask: We’re looking to onboard customers.

We’re looking for:

  1. Sales reps and heads of sales at B2B SaaS companies.
  2. Founders who are doing founder-led sales.

Anyone who is interested can book a demo here.