

Turn contracts into app-like signup experience, close deals < 24 hours

The easiest way to get agreements signed. 2x signatures 4x faster Edit and send in seconds Add unlimited users, free Roger turns boring PDF-based contracts into an app-like signup experience, we remove signing friction from start to finish, so you can be confident that your agreement never goes cold.

Team Size:4
Location:New York

Active Founders

Michael Wang

Co-Founder, CEO, investor, board member

Michael Wang
Michael Wang

Garrett Wu

From Seattle. Lived in SF for 7 years, and now live in NY. First job as a software engineer at Google in 2006. Started WibiData in 2010 as co-founder and CTO, a B2B big data company that took a few twists and turns before becoming Likelihood, a personalization company for online retail. Learned a lot after 7 years of startup life. Took a 3 year break before coming back to the startup world. When I'm not working you'll find me on a beach volleyball court.

Garrett Wu
Garrett Wu